Frequently asked questions

Will 99 Freight negotiate freights for me?

Yes, we have a team of great closers that will get the best loads at the best price for you!

Can I use your service for a week or two weeks?

Yes, we will do the work wether it is only for one load or a million.

Where does 99 Freight find freight?

Through loadboards, brokers and/or shippers and developed connections

How much do dispatchers charge?

Regular rates with other companies are between 6% to 10% per load. At 99 Freight we charge from 3.5% to 6% flat rate per load.

We believe that hardworking owner operators and carriers should stop paying ridiculous high rates for a dispatch service.

What are the requirements to have a dispatch agent?

  1. MC Authority.
  2. Certificate of Insurance.
  3. W-9 Form.
  4. Dispatcher-Carrier Agreement filled and signed. (Not a Term Contract)
  5. Dispatch authorization form filled and signed. In this form you authorize 99 Freight to accept freight loads for you, fill out Brokers/Customer Carrier set up packets for you and sign Load confirmations and contact your insurance company for every load. It is like a power of attorney where you authorize to book loads for you in your name and you don’t have to fill out any paper work.

Contact us to receive on your email the Dispatch-Carrier Agreement and the Dispatch Authorization Form.

Do you work with new carriers?

Yes. We are there for you since the first day. We work with new carriers that are looking to grow their business.

Can I reject a load you offered me?

Yes! You are the boss, you decide which loads to take or not.