Truck Accidents: What Causes Them and How Truck Drivers Can Avoid Them

6 min read
Truck Accidents: What Causes Them and How Truck Drivers Can Avoid Them

No truck driver wants to consider being involved in an accident. An accident can cause you and others to be injured, cause damage to your vehicle and other property, cause legal and insurance concerns, and keep you off the road for a lengthy amount of time.

Even though commercial trucks are involved in only 2.4% of all accidents, and only 16% of these incidents are the fault of the truck driver, it is still critical for truck drivers to understand the best techniques to avoid a truck accident. As a result, we are providing you with seven major causes of truck accidents on the road, as well as some advice to help you raise your awareness.


Speeding is the second leading cause of car accidents, after only inattentive driving. Because of their sheer size and weight, semi-trucks may exert greater force on anything they collide with than vehicles. This implies you must be much more careful of your speed and the spacing between other vehicles. Your safety is more essential than your time, no matter how crucial you believe it is for your business. By maintaining an adequate speed limit, you will not only boost road safety by enabling extra stopping time, but you will also assist minimize your fuel expenditures.


The weather is volatile and may change in an instant. Being ready to respond to a change in weather will help both your safety and the safety of others on the road. When you see fluctuations in the temperature and clouds, be cautious since this might indicate that the weather is about to shift. Maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you, and if the weather is bad enough, be particularly cautious of ice, snow, water, or debris on the road. Use your blinker for a bit longer than usual before turning or crossing lanes to allow people more time to respond and ensure they notice you. When you notice other vehicles pulled over, it is likely that they are doing so for a purpose, and the safest thing to do is to pull over as well. No load is more vital than your own and the safety of those around you.

Driver Exhaustion

Accidents caused by driver sleepiness are frequently the most serious. Fatigue leads a motorist to have very little response time and can produce impairments akin to driving while intoxicated. Your attentiveness and alertness begin to diminish dramatically after roughly 17 hours of being awake. Evaluate your alertness, and if you are too weary to drive, stop as soon as you can locate a safe spot to halt, even if there is still time on the clock.

Blind Spots

Trucks are roughly four times the length of a standard automobile. As a result, as a semi-truck driver, you must be more attentive of your surroundings to ensure that another vehicle is not in your blind area. Although this may seem apparent, and only roughly 10% of incidents are related to visibility constraints, it is nevertheless worth mentioning. Other drivers may be unaware of these blind areas, thus it is your responsibility to maintain a safe distance and use caution when changing lanes. You can only manage what you can control, therefore if the other drivers around you aren't driving responsibly, it's up to you to be the better driver and pay special attention to the drivers around you.

Unfamiliar Roadways

Many of the regions surrounding you are undoubtedly extremely familiar if you drive a specific route. If you use the spot market, however, many of the routes you travel on may be unfamiliar. Unfamiliarity with certain locations may provide distractions, such as the need to consult your GPS, an atlas, or road signage. Keeping your distance and remaining patient in these situations will aid in the prevention of accidents.

Other drivers on the road may be unaware of the significant difficulties that truck drivers face on a daily basis. This is especially true if the truck driver is not aware that one is approaching. Other drivers may become annoyed in traffic that they are aware they must deal with every day. Staying cool and keeping your distance from these drivers will help you prevent an accident.

Truck Servicing

It is critical to examine your truck before and after every travel. This covers brakes, tires, fluid levels, mirrors, and other components. Brake problems are the most prevalent out-of-service inspection infraction. Maintaining preventative maintenance can not only help you save money, but it may also help you avoid an accident on the road.

If you get into an accident without doing a pre-trip check, you will most likely be held liable, even if the accident was not your fault. This is why it is critical to do regular inspections to ensure that you do not cause an accident or that an accident that is not your fault is not placed on you.

Your Health

Your truck's most vital component is you. Staying healthy is essential for safe driving. Eating correctly, exercising, getting enough rest, and taking the time to get home are all essential for safe driving. Self-care will leave you feeling rejuvenated, with more energy, and more attentive and aware. Because you are the driver, you make the decisions. It all starts with you and how alert you are when driving.

To avoid truck accidents, follow these guidelines

There are several more precautions that you should take to avoid an accident. Even if you've been driving for a long, it's critical to stick to these guidelines and avoid becoming complacent. It just takes one mistake in judgment or awareness to alter the direction of your life and the lives of countless others. Staying vigilant and following these driving recommendations will help you avoid a truck collision and perhaps save a life!
